Sunday, September 6, 2009

another day in the life of a crazy bilby.

well here i am...
i'm out on the slums, here with every lost soul, damn mugger and nasty hooker on this side of the big city.
Out on that fish stinking water front, sleeping in the slum and watching every joe and mary wandering past, enjoying the high life.
Couples with money on the higher boundaries, with me, all drunken unshaven and homeless, down on the lower banks.
I look up at these couples and remember "Shane". Now there's a man that takes me back.
Thinking back on those hot summer nights, his little green shirt he'd wear to bed. The noise he'd make as i massaged his back.
Thinking of this damned siren. He haunts me.
Taking me into this damn Nior perspective. An Incubbi taunting me and reducing me to waterfront trash.
I look over and see the big city again, drunken hysteria making me see sickeningly, almost like the waves that nautesly come to shore and back.
The City, thats where i could be.
But why am i stuck on this damn water front?
The thought of a heavenly lover drives me down, but the memory of a dream takes me here.
That damn fish woman, a savior and a fool in one i am.
Taking that damned dream tauntress back to my bed, the bed i was currently sharing with Shane.
Only there to reveal it was actually Sly Flogan, the damnedest seductor of our century.
Still tossing in the pleasure that was a hell of a swallowing of this basturds doing, I had to see my angel in the midst of being ravaged by demons.
Shane's father, a powerful man, was my boss.
once news spread of my betrayal, i lost my friends, my lover, my job, and soon afterwards my home.
Momzie's won't take me back, hearing of my homosexual escapades. So it leads me being tossed out to the other sodomites and devils of the night, here on the water front. to die and stay dead in there eyes.
I sleep in the net, i first found my demons,
funny that
thrown into the pit of peoples accusations, and sleeping in the very literal pit the problem first started.
I look up, i see shane and his new fianc'e, Jimi Diago.
He's a business tycoon, an older fellow with a pension for young lust.
Shane doesn't look to happy in that mans arms.
Obviously a cursed partner ship through the will of Shane's tyrant father.
Shane and i exchange a glance.
A million years of betrayal and heartbrake reflect.
But a sense of love.
i look down to see on his exposed butt cheeck the symbol of love
peeking out of the shorts is a tatoo of my genitalia
the red hairs from my balls, forming a love heart, wording out "bilby loves shane" underwards
more hairs inscribing under the wang "insert here", showing an arrow pointing to the anus.
Shane's eyes were black. I can see Jimi Diago didn't approve of past memorbilia on the body.

"well kiss my grits"
and there he was, the incubi who led me here.
"oh, hello frazer"
"we aint seen you for aaaages. ohhh no no no no no. not since that glorious night, oh yes! what do you do now if you dont mind silly ol me asking?"
"i live here, in this very pit you taunted me in Siren"
"Oh well i see you aint been oblliged to a good livin, but i can always offer you a good eatin.."
he winks and looks down at his nipples.
" say...come back to my place and i can give you somin to chew onn... with a little cash payment of course HAHAHAHA"
Now this is what i'm resorted to, whoring to a devil to live. maybe i dont want to live, maybe i've had enough,
but theres a fire in me that wants me to keep on living, to hold that goddamn angel Shane in my arms again.
He still tempts me to come home and find him, lying there on bed watching tv.
like he use to.
oh god i remember it.

I go to the address Sly Flogan gave me. It's there i see Jimi Diago walk out the room, Sly slapping him on the ass.
And here is my ticket to regain my lost love, and possibly repent for my sins.
I turn back and make way to my old apartment..
I arrive, seeing Shane in the exact way i wanted to.
Chips all over his mouth and chest, sitting on the bed wearing his silk panties watchin television.

I look down at my watch and realise it is midnight,
which means this is the end of my day,
and the begining of
"yet another day in the life of a crazy bilby"
coming soon

well it might come soon.
if he's too offended by this i'll take it off.


  1. My past will haunt me forever! At least I'm not the one with a tattoo on my butt of red balls...

    *shakes head* silk doesn't really suit him.

    Eh, keep it. I'll let you have your fun stories. This one wasn't as bad the other one and is ACTUALLY well written! (and uses proper punctuation)

  2. i do use proper punctuation. and mine was well writen, i just intended it to be a little bit of a laugh, not some melodramatic noir story :P still, nicely done cobb.

  3. lol
    well you gotta love melodramatic noir.
    cheers bilby :)
    i was proving a point to Josh is all, that if your gonna write a tragic story, you do it in style
