Monday, August 17, 2009

from a aland of sluts and gluttony

from a land of sluts and gluttony

where the deviants come to play

from a land of sluts and gluttony

where the perverts get to prey

from a land of sluts and gluttony

what else is there, but a foul Gomorrah stench? you've smelt it before but not in abundance.

it tickles your nose, the dirty sex smell, taking you back to such dirty acts, depraved and ecstatic, but the smells of a different meaning to dirty.

the foul overpowering sickening stench, of what happens all around. Your envy of everyone else, as they twist and turn and go to places you've not yet dared entered.

But oh what is this? here comes the whore of babylon, wrapped in her red stained silk. The moisture of her cunt, making the silk cling on like a tick at an artery.
And the crowd goes wild as she takes in her next willing bachelor.
Through the crust of a thousand men was a goal worth clutching between her open legs.

The crowd continues to roar. and the roar becomes a screech. a succubi call of fornication
Amatuar transvestites dance around the couples embrace. There embrace turns to one, and from that one they sprout like a flower.
beautiful crimson flowers, surrounded by a tan leaf barrier,
and so forth come the bee's who wish to pollinate this bloomed flower.
taking with it the milk, the essense and the beauty. leaving behind an empty dry husk.
And at the fall of the whore of babylon, so came the birth of many.
Her milk delivered to the children, to the townsfolk and to the unlearned.
For what became was a revolution.

From a future born to lead a sexual revolt, came an offsplit. Like an amoeba.
those children fed on the milk, around the Ova of a dying world.

and so from a land of sluts and gluttony came a world of death for the living and life for the dying