Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Blog.

Yes, it is Edgar here.
I have gone solo...for now.

I seemed, out of place, in my previous co authored blog "assorted ramblings of cornflakes".
with all my deeply sexual, deeply bizzare, deeply jockular and deeply satrical writings, i felt i should go somewhere where i was wanted.
and the only place i was wanted, where i could fi in, was by myself.

Okay, quite honestly, it sucks being alone.
I wish to "recruit" the mentally unbalanced to fuel my blog even more.
People who can be deeply weird and deeply hilarious are all welcome.

What we DO NOT TOLERATE, are people too afraid to say something they may wish to.
This site is using false names, so theres that privacy.
seriously, i hope none of you thought my name was Edgar Lovecraft (a reference to 2 of my favourite authors, Edgar Allan Poe and H.P Lovecraft) and that i had the appearance of Japanese Superstar Gackt.

Anyway, the darkness is calling me. Her cunt is gripping my hand and pulling me into it. The black void of stench and rank, of physical and mental abominations, parading in a timeless trance, tired limbs cracking and splitting from the non stop charade.
I can't escape it, til i eat it all.
Eat out of this voiding cunt and back into open air.

anyway, join me.
Join the Black Void Charade, and eat your way out with me :)

Edgar, Master and Ruler of the OVMAD (Ovulating Void of Mental Abnormalties Domain), Where you'll be sure to find Explicit Bondage, Deranged Minds and Lollypops (OF A DERANGED SICKENING KIND)

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